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Youth Faith Formation

Faith Formation Class Location & Time

Watertown K-6th grades - Immaculate Conception 6:30-7:30pm - Doors are unlocked at 6:15pm at the church. Students gather at the parish hall, teachers will walk them over at 6:30pm.  
Watertown 7th-9th grades - Holy Name of Jesus Parish Hall (east of the church) 6:30-7:30pm
Watertown 10th grade - Confirmation Class  - Unity Hall (219 1st Ave SE, Wtn) 6:30-7:30pm
Holy Rosary Parish - K-10th grades 7:00-8:15pm
St. Mary Parish - St. James Hall in Willow Lake. K-6th grades 3:30-5pm and 7th-10th grades 6:30-8:00pm
St. Michael Parish- K-6th grades 4:00-5:00pm and 7th-10th grades 6:30-7:30pm

Faith Formation Registration 24/25

The Ave Maria Discipleship & Evangelization Team now have a direct line. You may call

(605) 878-2055 for assistance with registering and other questions. To sign up for Flocknote, please text AVEMARIASD to 84576. (It was printed incorrectly in the parent handout.) 

To register, log in with the email, username and password you used in the past.

  1. Select Log In

  2. Log in and My Own Parish Page will come up

  3. Select Religious Education

  4. Select Online Registration (in blue bar above my Education)

  5. Select enrollment term: 2024-2025 and add student and follow the prompts

  6. Select PAY and follow the prompts.  Make sure to have a credit or debit card handy.

You may click on the name of the parish below to be directed to the correct account for paying your registration fees.
Holy Name Faith Formation                                     Immaculate Conception Faith Formation

Calendar of Events

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