Groups & Outreach Ministries
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Meet Tuesday at 6:30pm & Thursday at 5:45pm located in the IC Parish Office basement.
Befriender Ministry: A Befriender is a representative of our parish family who brings a parish presence, prayer, and Holy Communion to those confined to their homes or health care facilities. Each Befriender is assigned to one or more individuals they visit weekly. This ministry is open to all adults who are Confirmed-practicing Catholics and appointed Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist. A training session is provided for all new Befrienders. Please call Bridget at 605.886.4049 if you are interested in sharing some time with our homebound.
Catholic Daughters: Meet the 2nd Tuesday at Unity Hall (219 1st Ave. SE) at 6:00pm.
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CODA): Meet Monday at 5:30pm, at HNJ Parish Center. Call Janet for information 605.520.3135.
Foster Parent Support Group: First Tuesday, 6:30pm, HNJ Angelus Center.
Homebound Communion: Ave Maria has trained homebound ministers who will bring communion to your home or nursing facility. If you or someone you know needs a visit from a homebound minister, or if you would like to be trained to be a homebound minister, please contact Bridget at the parish office at 605-886-4049.
Lourdes Center: Sarah Vetch 605.988.3775 Call to make an appointment for support with grief, marital, or individual counseling.
Knights of Columbus: All Knights meet the 1st Tuesday at 7:30pm; 4th Degree Knights meet the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30pm at Unity Hall (219 1st Ave SE).
National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI): Meetings are held the 1st Monday of the month at 7:00pm in the IC Parish Hall. Please call 605.595.6415 for more details.
Prayer Chain: Please call your parish office or 605.886-4049 for assistance.
Quilters: IC Parish Office Basement, 1st and 3rd Monday at 1:00pm.
Remembrance Group: For all who have lost a spouse. Join us monthly for prayer, fellowship and spiritual growth. Watch here for dates and times.
Rosary Makers: IC Parish Hall, 2nd Monday at 1:00pm
Rosary Prayer Group: Monday at 9:00am in the IC Chapel.
Serra Ministry: Meets at IC Church on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month with a Rosary at 7:30 am, followed by Mass and a meeting.
Sharon’s Shawls: Meet on 1st Thursday, at HNJ, St. Martin’s Room at 6:30, Use office door entrance.
Shalom Choir: Meet at HNJ Wednesday at 6:00. Please join us!
Holy Name Choir: Meet at HNJ Tuesday at 6:30. Please join us!
Traveling Crucifix: The Serra Traveling Vocations Crucifix is being used to involve parishioners, especially children, in praying daily for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. If desiring to host the crucifix, please call Diane 605.886.7799 or Carolyn 605.882.0708.